The more observant amongst you will have noticed that yesterday's post - officially The First Post on this blog - was dated September 1st. And that this post is dated September 2nd - well, obviously, because otherwise I wouldn't have called yesterday's post "yesterday's post".
And those of you with good memories will also distinctly remember me telling you that I began to set up my blog on Sunday October 17th, when my good friend Steve came round and revealed to me the wonders of Typepad. You may even remember that I e-mailed you to invite you to visit the nascent site on October 18th.
Now, this may be a long shot, but it's just possible that amongst you there is someone who is both observant and has a good memory, in which case I imagine that there are all kinds of bells and alarms and sirens and flashing lights going off in that someone's brain, because there is clearly something deeply chronologically screwy going on here.
Well, I admit it. I am playing around with you. And believe me, this site is far from being the worst offender when it comes to taking liberties with the time-space continuum. But instead of getting your collective knickers in a twist about it, I propose you simply look at things in a slightly different way.
Think of this site as being like the Queen.
Everyone knows the Queen has two birthdays - her real birthday, when Charles and Andrew and Edward and that horsey looking woman give her presents; and her official birthday when she gives honours to cleaning-ladies, celebs and Conservative party sponsors.
Well this site is going to go one better. It is going to have three birthdays :
The first, September 1st, is its virtual birthday - the day when the concept became more or less fixed in my mind. Naturally, I had to mark this day with an entry - hence the First Post. This day will no doubt be celebrated in years to come, and the PO may even distribute some honours each year if he feels so inclined.The second, October 17th, is its real birthday - the day on which the first words were solemnly typed into the Typepad website, and the PO's Amex card details were handed over (though those nice people at Typepad offer all new users a free month's trial, so nothing has actually been debited yet).
The third, to be announced very shortly, will be its official birthday - the day on which the blog grows up to become a fully-fledged domain, with its very own www prefix and its very own dotcom suffix.
Now, let's hope the coming year will not be an annus horribilis.