When you launch a new blog, and more particularly when you decide to create an intimate blog whose essential purpose is not to communicate to an unlimited global audience, but rather a restricted group of friends and relations, certain decisions must be taken.
Some decisions can wait - they can be addressed on a suck it and see basis, at least as long as the blog remains of a manageable size, working on the principle that if it is necessary to change tack it's relatively easy to do so. For example, thanks to the wonder of tools such as Typepad, most layout and many design features can be tweaked and modified pretty much at the blogger's whim. Similarly, if that witty title for a posting, a blogroll or a category doesn't come swiftly to mind, then hell, you can just go with something totally bland at first, then go back and change it later when inspiration suddenly strikes. This is the approach I have adopted, in case you were wondering.
Other decisions, however, need to be taken pretty quickly, either because, to use a phrase that I believe is very much à la mode right now, to flip-flop to a different approach at a later date is likely to require a massive overhaul of what is already on the site, or because the choice to be made is fundamental to the philosophy of the site. Typical of this type of decision is this one : real names or nicknames ?
Before I had written the first word of the first post on this blog, I had already decided to use nicknames.
Partly, this is because I wanted to protect - though not obsessively - the identities of the other people I intended to write about. There is no reason why their personal details should be plastered across the internet when they never asked to become global stars or household names, after all. That said, I don't intend getting too up-tight about the subject, and I hope those concerned will forgive my pragmatism. After all, I'm publishing photographs (I figure no-one who does not already know those depicted is likely to recognize them), as well as, from time to time, links to sites which may or may not reveal the names of some of my family-members and friends featured here. These decisions have been taken quite consciously, partly because I don't honestly expect an enormous amount of traffic to cross this site, and because in any case I have no intention of publicizing its existence (I have another site more suited to any self-publicity in which I might wish to indulge).
The other reason for using nicknames is much more ludic : doing so helps to maintain a wonderful blurring between fact and fiction, truth and invention. It allows me to exaggerate certain traits (without, I hope, offending anyone) and to talk about things that are perhaps close to the line where intimacy is breached. And above all, it's fun !
Which brings me to the main point of today's sermon : having made the happy decision to use pseudonyms rather than real names, I am faced with two problems :
1. Finding appropriate nicknames for everyone. 2. Ensuring that the readers who want or "need" to know who I am writing about, are able to identify them easily.
In order to address the first problem, I am hereby putting out the following RFP (that's Request For Proposal for those non-professional project managers amongst you) : please e-mail me at my personal address your suggestions, either for your own nickname or for someone else from the Paternal Optimist's inner circle. Of particular interest would be alternative names (i.e. wittier than those that have already appeared here) for : the Paternal Optimist's mother, father, sister and sister's fiancé; any one of Our American Cousins individually; and the Boy Wonder's mother (I thought of Mother Superior, but I'm not sure she'd be amused) and sister.
As for the second problem, once I have identified nicknames for all the key players, I propose to design a complete genealogical chart - a family tree, to give it its simple name, I suppose - and to post it here in some convenient spot for quick reference so that you can all see where you fit in. All I can say is that while I sometimes envy friends and colleagues with vast families and innumerable cousins, this is an occasion when I am very grateful that we are but few !
This is all coming along very nicely. I like the style and the variety and it is most amusing to see our family filtered through such an entertaining filter. It's all very easy to move around in. Dad and I can't locate the www version though. Any hints?
This rose would definitely like another moniker (is that how you spell it?)though; Grandma G is all very well in house but in print it just evokes a grey bun and floral frocks AND I AM NOT READY FOR THAT YET!
Incidentally the latest on the Lovebirds' accommodation problems is that they have found a fab flat to rent for the duration and are going ahead with the sale to their long-suffering buyer. The rented flat will give them more space and less pressure to close a deal when they get up enough courage to essay the property market again. Interesting sideline on the loss of their last property, by the way. It seems the woman did want to sell to them - was desperate in fact - but the house has been sequestered or some such legal jargon on suspicion of money laundering! A fascinating story in there somewhere if we only knew it all.
God, I've just thought. I don't know how these things work. Will these comments be on public view? I'm not sure they are literate enough for your standards but never mind. We web virgins have got to start somewhere. Here goes. I'll press the button anyway. Perhaps I'll stick to e-mails in future!
Posted by: The Principal | October 26, 2004 at 08:42 PM
Never mind the mind the von's and the de's, you should be proud that recent research shows that one of your distant (in terms of time) forebears is described on her marriage certificate as a starch packer (some early form of Viagra?) and signed her name with a X. More embarrassments about these illustrious people anon.
PS: an appropriate reference for me might be The Recluse
Posted by: The Recluse | October 28, 2004 at 10:58 AM
I am slightly disappointed that you have not posted your news regarding our nuptials next summer? We are so happy you were so happy to be our B. man, perhaps some reflections are due???!!!! And maybe you are due a new name to reflect that!
Love from the Lovebirds
p.s. really enjoying reading this website!!! keep it up!
Posted by: Missy | November 12, 2004 at 08:31 PM