During the sometimes long periods between my visits to the UK to see the Boy Wonder, it is good to know that plans for the coming months exist.
Next Friday I'll be heading back to England for a long weekend, the central focus of which will be the BW's first concert with the Hogwarts school orchestra. The Principal, the Recluse and I will all be attending, and I'll be sure to report back here afterwards.
In the meantime, I have been fixing arrangements for Christmas and the New Year. I'll be flying back to London (at some godless hour) on December 24th and hanging out with all the Usual Suspects until the 27th, before rushing back to Geneva to clean my apartment in time for the arrival of the Lovebirds and the Boy Wonder himself on December 28th - they'll be staying until January 2nd, and we'll be hoping to get three or four days of skiing in : the Boy Wonder and Auntie J earned their flocons de bronze last year, and will be aiming for their flocons d'argent this time round.
Let's just hope that November brings a solid snowfall, so there's a good base for the rest of the season. It's certainly not out of the question - a couple of weeks ago I flew back into Geneva from Singapore on a Sunday morning : I'd spent a week just north of the equator, with an average daytime temperature of over 90 degrees; when I arrived in Geneva it was 39 degrees and the Jura mountains, which I can see if I stick my head out of my apartment window, were covered in snow.
Meanwhile, my impatience for the ski season to start is beginning to augment exponentially - over the next few days, I'll at least have the satisfaction of doing two things that will make the season seem very near indeed : replace the standard tyres on my Jeep with snow tyres; and take my skis in to be smoothed and waxed - a process which, in French, goes by the delightful name of fartage !