1) The BW reports thusly on his scholarship exams :
Maths. (x2) - Went very well.
Science - OK. Answered questions on relativity.
Greek - OK. Pushed for time.
Latin - Good.
French (x3) - Bien.
English - Good.
History - "I nailed it."
Overall assessment : a really good experience.
Results are expect some time in the next week.
2) The day after his scholarship exams finished, the BW spent his entire Sunday music-making - playing in a Mozart quartet and later sight-reading his way through the Requiem.
3) When the PO telephoned this evening, he was treated to an impromptu performance of the Chanson de l'escarpolette by Gabriel Grovlez, one of the pieces the BW will be playing during his Grade VII piano exam tomorrow morning.
4) The PO, having uncrossed his fingers on Saturday afternoon, will naturally be re-crossing them tomorrow morning, and hopes that you will do the same. Ratification by the Guinness Book of Records of his finger-crossing world record attempt appears to have run into some administrative difficulties, but he confidently expects to receive confirmation in the very near future that his submission has been accepted.