OK, so it's not exactly "The batsman's Holding, the bowler's Willey", but it's the best the PO can do under the circumstances.
Hereafter the BW's assessment of Tuesday's Grade VII piano exam :
Excellent. The examiner turned up ten minutes late, so the BW was able to familiarize himself with the piano.
Handel - Good, though the staccato was tricky because the keyboard was quite heavy.
Grovlez - Very good.
Kadosa - The best the BW has ever played it.
Went well.
Sight Reading
Pretty easy, but then the BW has been preparing by playing Grade VIII sight-reading pieces.
Good with one exception : a four octave C major scale, but with the right hand starting on the major third. The examiner asked the BW to play it staccato, which he hadn't practised. He stumbled a couple of times, until she suggested he play it legato, which he did with no problems.
It'll be a while until the result comes through, but in the meantime the BW has other fish to fry - well, what did you expect ? He's playing in the regional EPTA competition final in Oxford tomorrow - and the Principal and the Recluse should be there to hear him !! Time to cross those fingers again...