Today a number of cards arrived at the PO's humble abode. Well, three, actually.
One was from the Principal and the Recluse. One was from the Lovebirds.
The third was from Matthias, the passionate Roma-and-Italy-supporting architect-photographer and instructor who earlier this year in Zermatt oversaw the BW and the PO as they made their first tentative attempts at snowboarding. The message inside the card read as follows :
On July 14th, 1865, Edward Whymper and some other fellows reached the top of the Matterhorn. What an important day !
On July 14th, 1965, the Paternal Optimist reached the world. This can't be just a coincidence, don't you think so ?
Thanks to all of you, and especial thanks to Matthias and his girlfriend Josephine - and congratulations to Italy on winning the World Cup !