The best thing about being one of the Von Trapp children - Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, Kurt, Brigitta, Marta and Gretl, if we're going with the Sound of Music version; Maria, Rupert, Agathe, Werner, Hedwig, Johanna, Martina, Rosmarie, Eleonore and Johannes, if we're going with the historical truth - must undoubtedly have been that you got to enjoy making wonderful music with all your brothers and sisters (even if you couldn't remember all their names). The worst thing, particularly for the older children, was surely that you never got the chance to rest on your laurels for very long : there was always some cuter younger sibling waiting to steal your thunder.
The Boy Wonder may not be as badly off in this respect as poor, awkward Friedrich - after all, not only did he have a younger brother and four younger sisters, including an impossibly scrumptious five-year-old, but on the rare occasions when none of them were hogging the limelight, his blooming 16-going-on-17 older sister would start singing about kittens and bachelor dandies and such like.
But the BW does have two gorgeous, talented - and competitive - younger siblings, and they certainly keep him on his toes.
For example, only a day after he had performed so admirably in his Hogwarts scholarship audition, the BW was upstaged by the irrepressible Schmoo at a concert at his old junior school.
During the concert, the BW and Button played a piano duet by Diabelli to great critical acclaim. But there is no doubt as to the moment that will remain engraved on the minds of all of those lucky enough to be present : a performance of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star featuring Schmoo (lead violinist), Button (second violin) and the BW (viola).
Fortunately, the BW is not one given to gratuitous envy or overweening pride - other than in his siblings, of course - as can be judged from his description of this landmark cultural event :
"Schmoo played a solo first, then he counted us in and we played as a trio, with Schmoo as lead violinist. He was amazing. He was perfectly in tune. Everyone was really impressed. It was definitely the highlight of the concert."
Surely it can only be a matter of time before the Mother Superior joins them with her cello and they perform as a quartet...
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